NIF4000 is a portable navigation suppression and deception interference signal generation device that adopts a more powerful computing platform and a reconfigurable and configurable architecture design. It can flexibly configure the simultaneous output of navigation deception and deception interference signals, and supports GNSS full frequency navigation suppression and deception interference simulation. Has rich interference style generation capabilities, supporting single tone, sweep frequency, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, pulse, white noise, digital modulation, and flicker interference; It also supports generative deception jamming simulation, with a built-in highly stable clock module, which can be fully synchronized with the actual Satellite navigation to achieve seamless deception. It can also import deception tracks in real time to complete the deception of highly dynamic targets.
The device has the characteristics of portability, miniaturization, simplicity, and ease of use. The overall weight (including battery) does not exceed 5kg, making it suitable for flexible and mobile navigation signal interference applications carried by hand or on the back.
干憂預警頻 |
BDS | B1、B2、B3、S(含衛星定位三號) | ||
L1、L2、L5 |
L1、L2、L3 |
Galileo |
E1、E5、E6 |
制作不干擾信號燈 |
磨(mo)血(xue)電磁干擾類 |
單頻(pin)、掃頻(pin)、脈沖造成(cheng)的、調幅、調頻(pin)、白嘈音、數據解調、組成(cheng)干預等 |
最大(da)程度干涉帶 |
≥80MHz |
最大干擾通道 |
8個(可(ke)并且輸(shu)出的(de)8個頻點、不一款式的(de)壓榨電磁波輻射警報) |
電磁波傳輸公率 |
比較大內容輸出(chu)電功(gong)率:≥+10dBm(待選(xuan)外(wai)置后級功(gong)放輸出(chu)模塊) |
衰減(jian)能調區間:60dB |
衰減(jian)調步進電機:1dB |
公率更準度:≤0.5dB |
忽悠擾亂信 |
哄騙抑(yi)制經營模(mo)式 |
職位詐(zha)騙(pian)感情、強度詐(zha)騙(pian)感情、時(shi)間(jian)段詐(zha)騙(pian)感情 |
北斗衛星數(shu)據信(xin)息檢(jian)修通道 |
每(mei)頻點不超(chao)過16個 |
耗(hao)時數據同步(bu)精度等級(ji) |
≤50ns |
不(bu)誠實提前準(zhun)備(bei)日(ri)期(qi) |
≤3min |
欺瞞引入(ru)時間間隔 |
≤1 |
最多干擾信號(hao)過道 |
8個(可(ke)并且內(nei)容輸(shu)出(chu)8個頻點欺騙感情電磁干擾信) |
衛星(xing)信(xin)號輸入輸出馬力 |
很大輸送熱效率(lv)(多星):≥+5dBm(先選外(wai)置后級功放(fang)功能(neng)模(mo)塊(kuai)) |
衰(shuai)減可調節位(wei)置:60dB |
衰減自動調節步進電機控制:1dB |
額定功(gong)率最準(zhun)度(du):≤0.5dB |
物理防御形態 |
組裝機(ji)面積 |
≤320mm(長)×200mm(寬)×100mm(高) |
裸機稱(cheng)重 |
≤5kg |
電壓耗電量 |
供水電(dian)壓電(dian)流 |
200V~240V/AC,50Hz~60Hz(供(gong)電(dian)支持器) |
主(zhu)機工(gong)作電壓 |
≤80W |
續航時間 |
≥3h(嵌入電板) |