RpsGnsSdr real-time software receiver is an advanced signal processing product compatible with all GNSS constellation frequencies, and is also a flexible and high-end testing tool. It provides an advanced development and verification platform for GNSS navigation receivers for researchers and engineers in the field of GNSS, which can assist users in the development of new receivers and complex algorithm research, including multipath and false signal evaluation, interference monitoring and ionospheric impact assessment, weak signal research, and IMU probe merging.
For non professional or GNSS beginners, we provide sample configurations of various applications to ensure that users can complete the correct configuration upon first contact, thus completing simple operations and experiments.
適用4g信號頻點 |
B1、B2、B3、S(含北斗系統三號(hao)) |
L1、L2、L5 |
L1、L2、L3 |
Galileo |
E1、E5 |
網絡信號渠道人數 |
發(fa)送到預警短信通道≥64個(可能夠 更新(xin)GPU進行擴(kuo)充),具備會自動和人工操(cao)作五種(zhong)管道管理狀(zhuang)態 |
導航欄數字信號正確處理 |
阻止靈敏(min)性(xing)度 |
不同(tong)于-140dBm |
監測靈(ling)敏(min)性度 |
不(bu)同于-145dBm |
偽距(ju)預估精(jing)確(que)度 |
≤0.01m |
載波相位自動測(ce)量精度等級 |
≤0.01周 |
水平面產品定位(wei)準確度 |
≤10m(95%) |
平行(xing)確定精密度(du)較 |
≤10m(95%) |
區間測(ce)速控制(zhi)精(jing)度 |
≤0.1m/s(95%) |
收表現動態化 |
0~8000m/s |
物理上的功能 |
整個設備規格 |
標淮2U相對高度19屏(ping)幕尺寸推出式機(ji)箱 |
一(yi)整臺機器的稱重(zhong) |
≤4kg |
仿真信號規模 | |
衛星通道數量 | |
多徑信號數量 | |
信號精度 | |
偽距精度 | |
偽距變化率精度 | |
通道一致性 | |
信號動態 | |
仿真高程 | |
相對速度 | |
相對加速度 | |
相對加加速度 | |
外部軌跡實時性 | |
信號延遲 | |
數據更新率 | |
信號質量 | |
雜波抑制 | |
諧波抑制 | |
信號電平 | |
電平調節范圍 | |
電平調節步進 | |
物理和電氣性能 | |
整機尺寸 | |
整機重量 | |
電源、功耗 |